Lately, I've found myself challenged by the inability to get a full night's rest. I cannot tell if it was the build up to the fundraiser, the fact that I'm always thinking about how to improve and sustain the organization, or the sorrow that comes with days like today. Even with that, I have continued my routine of greeting the morning as if I've gotten eight hours plus and it’s not because I’ve discovered some magical secret to mornings or because I’m eager to conquer the world before sunrise (though, wouldn’t that be nice?). It’s because mornings are my time—the quiet hours where I can reflect and breathe after my morning workout; it has become a ritual that grounds me much like music - in fact, with music.
Today was no different as I acknowledge and celebrate our namesake's birthday. The other day, like many days, I listened to P!nk's song "When I Get There" and I don't know what it is but the lyrics:"Will you save me a place, With all those pearls of wisdom? Yeah, I'll make some mistakes and you'll watch me as I live them, 'til I'm through, 'til I'm with you," gets me every. single. time. A reminder that one day we will celebrate again together especially during hard moments.
And today, January 27, 2025, is one of those reflective moments. Our third without the opportunity to call and wish her happy birthday. As I scanned my contact list to look for my other aunt's number, I passed hers - a "task" I still haven't brought myself to accomplish- the deleting of her number. Losing her was a lesson I wasn’t ready for, and yet, in her absence, she’s taught me more about resilience than I could have imagined.
This year, we celebrate not only another trip around the sun as an official 501(c)(3) but also a milestone: our 2nd Annual Rent Party fundraiser held on January 25th; a dream that was born from her legacy and my grief. This year feels different. Coming off the heels of a successful fundraiser for Meryl’s Safe Haven, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude. The support, belief, and love from the Worcester community who has rallied around this mission is nothing short of humbling. It’s a testament to what can happen when a shared purpose brings people together. If I didn’t thank you enough before, I’ll say it again: thank you for helping keep her legacy alive and for believing in the work we’re doing.
As I reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going, this journey continues to teach me lessons I didn’t know I needed—lessons about life, growth, and the courage it takes to show up for yourself, even when it feels impossible. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:
Peace is priceless; don’t negotiate it away.
Some battles are best left unfought.
Walking away is its own kind of strength.
Patience is a virtue I’m still learning to embrace.
Grace—for yourself and others—is non-negotiable.
“No” is a complete sentence.
Staying true to your mission will save you from unnecessary detours.
Meditation isn’t just a practice; it’s a lifeline.
Protecting your energy is self-care, not selfishness.
Growth isn’t always celebrated by those around you—and that’s okay.
The bridges worth rebuilding are the ones that don’t cost you your well-being.
Confidence is a journey, and it’s okay if it takes time to catch up to your abilities.
As John Polo said, “The bravest thing I ever did was rebuild myself when I did not want to live.”
To anyone reading this who’s afraid to take the first step—whether it’s toward a dream, a fresh start, or healing—know that it won’t be easy. But also know that the calling you feel wasn’t meant for anyone else to understand. Trust your process, and let the journey unfold one step at a time.
And because no birthday post is complete without a call to action: join me in celebrating today—not just for Meryl, but for Meryl's Safe Haven, too. Let’s toast to her legacy, to the lessons she’s inspired, and to the beauty of this ongoing journey. Ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s in Marlborough is on the menu—because sometimes, a little sweetness is exactly what the day calls for.
Here’s to another year of growth, grace, and finding peace along the way.